220k Clean & Jerk
Pull to full extension: 0.73 seconds
Receiving the weight: 0.37 seconds
260k Back Squat
1.1 seconds
1.1 - 1.0 = .1 x 50 = 5k
260 - 5 = 255
255k x .86 = 219K
99.5% of 220k
275k Back Squat
1.27 seconds
1.27 - 1.0 = .27 x 50 = 13.5k
275 - 13.5 = 261.5
261.5k x .86 = 225k
102% of 220k
Both the 260k and 275k achieved a similar equivalent clean & jerk as achieved in the competition. This is not a coincidence, it closely follows the laws of physics where an accelerated velocity is producing force on a particular mass. The human body moving that mass is almost incidental to the forces generated, I.e., it would make no difference who was moving the weights in those times, because it would still generate a 220k clean & jerk. The times in motion can be ingrained to the point where the lifter will know if they are moving at the right velocity during ascension, and will know when to stop when those times begin to cause deceleration.